What To Consider When Choosing a Gemological Microscope

Key Factors To Consider Before Choosing a Gemological Microscope

There are many things you need to consider when purchasing a gemological microscope. The specific features you require, the magnification you will need, the illumination, zoom, and image and video capabilities are all factors that need careful examination. After all, you work hard for your money and want to make sure you spend it in the most responsible way possible. Maybe you are not even sure what a gem microscope is. In the following paragraph, we will go into more detail to help you in your search for a microscope for gems. 

What Is a Gemological Microscope?

Gemological microscopes are pieces of equipment used in the industries of jewelry manufacturing, stone setting, and gemology. The critical function of gem microscopes is to appraise and assess jewels, stones, and gems. Gemological microscopes resemble standard microscopes, or stereo microscopes, in a lot of ways but with a few key differences.  Of course, both types of microscopes come equipped with zoom features and bottom lights, but a gem microscope typically has a stronger zoom and levels of magnification coupled with both bottom and top illumination. 

Gem microscopes also come with special tools and functions used to work with jewels, stones, and gems. For instance, many gemological microscopes will come with a set of tweezers, clamps, or stands to grip the sample as well as darkfield illumination to better light the sample to spot any imperfections. Gem microscopes can also include camera or video capabilities to capture the images of the materials you are analyzing. 

Details To Consider When Shopping for a Gem Microscope

When shopping for a gem microscope, there is a range of features that you should ponder. Your need for these features will vary on the industry within which you have a hobby or work; the types of gems, jewels, and stones with which you will be working; and what level of detail you will need to accomplish your objective. You should also consider how comfortable the microscope will be to use for long durations of time. If you become enamored with a project and spend hours using your microscope, you don't want an aching back or neck as a result. 

How Much Magnification You Need

The industry standard for assessing a lot of gems with a gemological microscope is 40X. However, there are many gems, jewels, and stones that can be evaluated at just 10X magnification. A diamond, for instance, can be properly appraised at 10X magnification under a stereo microscope. The scale on which a diamond is rated is called the Clarity Standard Scale and is based on this specific magnification. Of course, the higher magnification yields greater clarity and more detail and usually comes with a higher price tag.

The Range of Features

The range of features offered by a gem microscope can vary according to vendor and cost. You want the biggest bang for your buck and the best way to go about this is to choose a high-quality vendor. One secret to finding a good vendor is by finding out if their customer service is up to snuff. A reputable vendor will offer a range of customer service options to find the best gem microscope and tools for their consumers.